Palm & Tree Pruning
Pruning involves selective cutting back of the canopy of the tree or palm, and usually requires equipment to assist with gaining access to branches, fronds or fruit at quite a height.
Qualified arborists should be engaged for trees and palms which cannot be pruned from ground level, as this is dangerous work. Not only is it dangerous, experience is required to recognise unhealthy growth patterns, where the trunk is in danger of splitting, and identifying disease and infestations. Being able to recognise the warning signs and hazards of tree development, and guide the growth to ensure a healthy well balanced tree are specialised skills we, as experienced arborists, provide.
Brisbane Tree Removal professionals are skilled at climbing and using equipment from heights. We have all the safety gear and mechanical devices necessary to ensure any pruning from high up is undertaken in a way which protects the arborists at work and all things below. All pruning work is carried out by qualified arborists and complies with Australian Standard AS 4373-2007.
Palm Pruning is recommended on a regular basis to remove heavy dead (and often precariously hanging) fronds, and large clusters of fruit which if left to fall, make an awful mess and have a pungent odour. A nicely pruned palm is an attractive palm. Brisbane Tree Removal have at their disposal all the equipment necessary to attend to your palm needs, and skilled professionals to do the job safely, efficiently and effectively.
Pruning of trees may be required for a variety of reasons – clearance for power lines, removal of dangerous deadwood, disinfection, canopy reduction and selective pruning for practical reasons, which includes reducing the height of the tree or lifting the crown by clearing lower branches. Trees should be pruned in a way which leaves them balanced, aesthetically pleasing and in good health. Our experienced arborists will discuss options and offer advice regarding your pruning needs, taking into careful consideration your Local Council’s Tree Preservation Order.
Why use a professional pruner?
Mature trees are a valuable asset to every home, business, and community. They increase the quality of our lives by providing shade, pleasant views, fragrant smells, and somewhere to tie our hammocks. Trees and palms require qualified arborists to ensure their longevity, with arborists often referred to as “tree doctors” or “tree surgeons” because of their specialised skills.
Some of their specialised skills include;
• Climbing trees and removing difficult branches without wounding the tree.
• Identifying and removing disease from trees. This process is called disinfection.
• Pruning in a way to prevent the splitting or tearing of the branch collar or trunk, without leaving stubs, resulting in the promoted growth in a desired manner.
• Lowering branches in high, confined, or hazardous places.
• Pruning to protect the growth habit, and maintaining the correct weight, crown, foliage distribution.
• Formative pruning of young trees to enhance the shape of the plant, reduce the development of structural weaknesses, and to accommodate site constraints.
Why let unqualified and inexperienced tree loppers destroy or damage your tree. Call Brisbane Tree Removals today for a free no obligation quote and some quality professional advice.