The key to a safe work environment when you are an arborist is to be flexible in your thinking. No two work sites are the same. Each job must be assessed independently for risk and a plan put in place for the safe completion of the job.
The arborists at Brisbane Tree Removals are familiar with, and follow our Safety policies (Safe Work Method Instructions or SWMS), are fully insured and trained in the safe operation of all mechanical equipment and manual tools. In addition, pre-work risk assessments are conducted to ensure the safety requirements are tailored for each job, and are available to the client prior to commencement of work, upon request.
Helmets, harnesses, shoes, gloves, glasses and high visibility vests are just some of the personal protective equipment (PPE) used by our arborists. These are our last line of defence against injury. Our first line of defence is careful planning and the use of various controls to mitigate risks. The mitigation strategies used in order of preference are: elimination, substitution, engineering, administration, and finally PPE.
Another important factor to consider is the qualifications and experience of each individual in the team. Our team has over 20 years of experience and every member is qualified for their work area.
Should the unthinkable happen, Brisbane Tree Removals has insurance to cover it. We maintain Public Liability, Workers Compensation and Plant & Motor Vehicle insurances. Copies of our Certificates of Currency are available for your inspection at the time of consultation prior to any work being undertaken.